Smishing Scam
Expecting a package? Didn’t order anything but received a text that your package can’t be delivered? These are exactly the type of messages that people are receiving from cybercriminals latest smishing scams!
These messages will include a link that takes you to fake web page that looks like the legit package carrier’s website. It then prompts you to fill out your information and if you do so you are handing over all your information to the cybercriminals. Phones can have unexpected messages with links disabled but cybercriminals have also thought about how to get around this. They use convincing messaging and try to convince you to copy and paste the link in your browser. This messaging usually has a sense of urgency to make you perform an action.
- Be wary of unexpected messages that want you to perform an action, especially if the messaging creates a sense of urgency.
- Never tap on links from unexpected messages.
- Think back to if you really are expecting a package or not and did you enable notifications.
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