Fake Customer Complaint Emails on the Rise
During the latest phishing email, cybercriminals are creating fake customer complaints urging you to act fast and fix what is wrong now.
Cybercriminals like to catch you off guard. They understand that customer satisfaction and complaints are taken seriously at most companies. Cybercriminals like to use this to their advantage and create fake customer complaints urging you to act fast and fix what is wrong now.
Cybercriminals are using a new phishing email to impersonate an employee from your customer’s human resources or management team. The email includes your name, a complaint, “It is urgent request” verbiage, and asks you to call the customer right away. The cybercriminals also attach a PDF of the formal complaint. Unfortunately, this is not a real PDF and is malware.
Tips on how you can stay safe:
- Never click on any links or open attachments from an email you weren’t expecting. Make sure you hover over links to see where they are actually going.
- Think before you click. Cybercriminals love to play with your emotions. In this particular email they are trying to make you feel badly about upsetting a customer and will try to trick you into downloading attachments.
- Most phishing emails have poor grammar or weird phrasing in emails. This is an easy way to spot a phishing email. Proper grammer would be "This is an urgent request" not "It is urgent request."