Facebook Marketplace Scams
Facebook Marketplace is a feature that allows you to buy items and sell items to other Facebook users. It’s free to use and totally customizable. Sellers are able to select their own pricing, descriptions, categories, location, and post the pictures of what they are selling to attract buyers. Buyers are able to filter through the Marketplace by selecting different categories, pricing, location, etc. When a buyer finds something they would like to purchase they are able to message the seller. Throughout these back-and-forth messages the buyer and seller are able to negotiate the price if need be, figure out any other details about the products, ask questions, and go over logistics about picking up the purchase. Many times, sellers will add in the description must be able to take it by a certain date or must be able to transport it yourself.
Marketplace has a variety of categories that sellers and buyers can choose from.
The categories are:
- Vehicles
- Property Rentals
- Apparel
- Classifieds
- Electronics
- Entertainment
- Family
- Free Stuff
- Garden & Outdoor
- Hobbies
- Home Goods
- Home Improvement Supplies
- Home Sales
- Musical Instruments
- Office Supplies
- Pet Supplies
- Sporting Goods
- Toys & Games
- Buy and Sell Groups
The bad thing about Facebook Marketplace is that anyone can create an ad to sell something on it. ANYONE .. including cybercriminals. At this point we all know that cybercriminals are sneaky and looking for any popular service or product to use to their advantage and trick you.
In the latest scam, cybercriminals use Facebook Marketplace and pretend to be someone you know. Many people have caught on to be careful about buying things from Facebook so now cybercriminals impersonate people you know. Cybercriminals use this tactic in majority of their scams because they know how people feel the urge to trust others they know. Something always to remember is that any person, company or brand can be spoofed by cybercriminals! Always be cautious when receiving messages, emails, friend requests, and phone calls.
Cybercriminals use social engineering to get access to people’s social media accounts. Once they are successful, they can post items for sale on the hacked account. If you are friends with that person you might think it’s a legitimate sale. If you fall for this the money you send for the purchase will go straight to the cyber criminals.
- Verify listings are legitimate but using another way of communication and actually reaching out to the real person before you take any action.
- Make sure your login information is protected, you have a strong password, and have MFA set up.
- Be cautious of social media listings that sound too good to be true. Cybercriminals often rely on their scams to trigger impulse actions.
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