Links Wins STC Awards for PowerShark EQR Training Videos and User Guide
Our PowerShark EQR user guide and training videos have been recognized in the Chicago Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication competition.
* Distinguished Award Winner of STC Chicago’s Technical Publications Competition, Instructional Materials, 2014
* Excellence Award Winner of STC Chicago’s Technical Publications Competition, User Materials, 2014
Products that receive the STC awards show exceptional performance according to a list of standards that STC has established over decades as benchmarks in the technical communication field. STC is the world's largest and oldest professional association dedicated to the advancement of the field of technical communication.
“We have been excited to provide our customers with these materials to help simplify the EQR filing process and these awards serve to confirm that we have met our goal,” says Gary Kravis, Links’ Director of Software Solutions, who collaborated with instructional designer Mary Whalen to create the user guide and training videos.
The PowerShark EQR User Guide received an award of “Excellence,” which STC describes as “Entry consistently meets high standards in all or most areas,” and the PowerShark EQR Training Videos received an award of “Distinguished,” which STC describes as “Entry meets or exceeds high standards in all areas.”
Other Links Technology clients will be able to enjoy the same level of training experience, as Links will soon release training videos for its TariffShark product line. “There are videos for all levels of users to expand their use of TariffShark and perform more efficiently,” says Gary Kravis.