Windows XP Support Ends April 8, 2014
Security updates from Microsoft for Windows XP will end on April 8, 2014—a winning lottery ticket for a hacker!
Your Computer Could Be Compromised On or After April 8, 2014
Businesses require planning, and budgeting for hardware upgrades. Mission-critical applications written for an old, unsupported operating system will fail to work properly in a new environment.
Don't think you can outsmart the date! Even if a vulnerable Windows XP-based machine is on a private network and has no Internet access, another device, such as one running a supported product, can be infected with malware outside that private network, infecting other devices on that private network.
What about your suppliers? Your customers? Do your employees work on their own XP computers at home?
Every computer running on the Windows XP Operating system is vulnerable beyond April 8, 2014. It is time to protect your company, your customers, your vendors, and your suppliers.
Call Us Now at 847-252-7600! LINKS Technology will help you replace the inventory that is at risk.