March 11, 2021
LinkedIn File Sharing Scam
Using social media platforms and their connections is one of the easiest ways for cybercriminals to trick people ... LinkedIn is the latest victim.
Cybercriminals have been using stolen LinkedIn accounts and have been messaging that account’s contacts. The message includes a “LinkedInSecureMessage” which doesn’t really exist. Once the user clicks on the message it takes them to a fake LinkedIn website that includes a LinkedIn logo and a “View Document” button.
If a user clicks on this button, it sends them to a fake LinkedIn login page and asks for their information. If the user types in their login information and submits it, it will send those credentials right to the cybercriminals.
- Never trust a link in a message that you weren’t expecting. You can always verify with the person by calling them or texting them to see if it is real.
- Remember that cybercriminals are very creative and use more than just phishing emails to trick people. Take a second and think before you click on any link or reply to any message.
- Incorporate staying up to date about your social media platforms as one of your routines. Learn if there are any new features like a file-sharing feature. This way if you knew that there wasn’t such a thing you would be able to figure out that this is a scam right away.