October 16, 2018
25 Passwords You Shouldn't Use
If you use any of these passwords it would be smart to change them and use the tips in our last blog.
25 of The Absolute Worst Passwords You Can Use
- 123456
- Password
- 12345678
- Qwerty
- 12345
- 123456789
- Letmein
- 1234567
- Football
- Iloveyou
- Admin
- Welcome
- Monkey
- Login
- Abc123
- Starwars
- 123123
- Dragon
- Passw0rd
- Maste
- Hello
- Freedom
- Whatever
- Qazwsx
- Trustno1
It's sad because these 25 passwords are some of the most commonly used ones. Hackers can easily hack anyone that uses these. Hackers understand that people use the same passwords on other sites too. Once the hacker figures out the password for one of the sites he or she will be able to access more than just your account, but all the data in that account.
When coming up with your replacement password make sure you don’t use personal information, common words, any old passwords, or any passwords on the list.