Links Technology at the 2013 IAPD/IPRA Convention & Expo
Links Technology was pleased to be a part of The IPRA/IAPD annual conference for parks and recreation held this week at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago.
From county forest preserves to park districts in communities of all shapes and sizes, the IAPD/IPRA convention and expo brings together so many government agencies we've run out of abbreviations! Our team was on hand to meet with agencies from around the state about website development and outsourced IT services. Links is a longtime partner of the Schaumburg Park District and in 2011 won the Best Friend of Illinois Parks award from IAPD. At the 2012 convention, Links was honored, along with the Schaumburg Park District, winning an Agency Showcase award for our work on the District’s website.
Thank you to IAPD/IPRA for another great opportunity to work with our communities and bring people and technology together.